
Cantey Helps United Way and Two Men and a Truck's Movers for Moms Campaign

Cantey Helps United Way and Two Men and a Truck\'s Movers for Moms Campaign - Image 1

Recently Cantey Foundation Specialists employees participated in the Two Men and a Truck's, Movers for Moms campaign with United Way of Kershaw County as part of our #CanteyCares promise to our community.
A recent letter from Susan Evans, of TWO MEN AND A TRUCK stated:
"WOW! When I stopped by your office last week to ask for your help with (the event), I had no idea of the depth of Cantey's generosity. The degree of your largesse is amazing.
It was great to meet (Cantey employee) Abby at Food Lion last Saturday morning in time for the 'Stuff a Truck' event. Imagine my surprise when she brought not one huge package, but a full carload of toilet paper and paper towels! The time and effort your company spent helping these mothers makes the world a little brighter, a little better, a little nicer. Thank you for generosity.
Your kindness makes a difference in our community!"
Cantey Foundation Specialists strives to redefine our industry through not only our customers and employees but also through our community. In 2016, Cantey launched the CanteyCares Initiative, which serves as the umbrella name for the volunteer opportunities and community projects Cantey accomplishes.
CanteyCares specifically focuses on four non-profit organizations, which include: Habitat for Humanity, the United Way, Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program, and Harvest Hope Food Bank.
For more information see our website:
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Cantey Gutters
641 Rutledge St
Camden, SC 29020
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